< Group Owner User Guide

Managing mahjong game locations

Most people host games at their home, but some prefer to host in a venue (restaurant, rec center, etc).
To manage the list of such locations for your mahjong group, follow these steps.

Viewing the list of locations

  1. Select your group under the "My Groups" menu.
  2. Click "Manage group".
  3. Click "Manage locations".
  4. The list of locations displays with the following fields:
    • Name
    • Address

Adding a location

  1. Click "Add Location".
  2. Enter the name of the venue.
  3. Enter the address of the venue. Please specify the full address as it will be used to create maps.
  4. Click "Create"

Changing a location

  1. Click "Edit" next to the location you want to change.
  2. Edit the name or address as needed
  3. Click "Save"

Deleting a location

  1. Click "Delete" next to the location you want to delete.
  2. Click "Confirm" in the confirmation window
  3. Warning: Do not delete a location that is currently used for a scheduled game