< Group Owner User Guide

Managing mahjong game schedule

To manage the list of games scheduled for your mahjong group, follow these steps.

Viewing the list of scheduled games

  1. Select your group under the "My Groups" menu.
  2. Click "Manage group".
  3. Click "Manage game schedule".
  4. The list of games displays with the following fields:
    • Date
    • Host ("none" is nobody has signed up to host)
    • Location ("-" is nobody has signed up to host)

Adding a single game

  1. Click "Add Game".
  2. Select game date on the calendar
  3. Select start and end times
  4. Click "Create"

Adding recurring games

  1. Click "Add Recurring Games".
  2. Select a range of dates using the start and end date calendars
  3. Select a frequency: every week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks or 4 weeks
  4. Select the day of the week for the game
  5. Select start and end times
  6. Click "Create"
  7. The system will automatically schedule games based on the parameters specified.

Changing a game's date/time

  1. Click "Edit" next to the game you want to change.
  2. Select date on the calendar
  3. Select start and end times
  4. Click "Save"
  5. Warning: Avoid changing a game's date/time after the invitation emails have been sent, as new emails will not be triggered and members may be confused

Deleting a game

  1. Click "Delete" next to the game you want to delete.
  2. Click "Confirm" in the confirmation window
  3. Warning: Do not delete a game after the invitation emails have been sent, as it will confuse members and lead to errors